How to Verify your Account Across all Social Media - C4n2

Have you ever noticed the tiny checkmark on social media platforms next to a company or individual's name? If it weren't there, did you decide not to follow? What purpose does the tiny checkmark on an account serve? Having your brand's social media channels verified distinguishes the legitimate Twitter account from the many fraudulent ones and demonstrates your trust and authenticity. Social media verification aids in preventing identity theft, maintains account holders' integrity, and communicates to users seeking your brand that you are the real deal, in addition to the added benefit of having the legitimacy of a check mark or badge. Here is a breakdown of how to accomplish it on various social media platforms: Facebook You know how crucial it is to obtain the verification checkmark next to your account name, but how exactly do you do that? It is first necessary to build the company page and to classify it under "Local Businesses" or "Companies & O...